Beauty is Pain, Foldable Flats are Relief! Kushyfoot Review

I think I might have mentioned before that I am a sucker for shoes. I can’t go into a store without looking at what they have for cute shoes. Now with that being said, I’ve got lots of shoes that I haven’t quite broken in yet. They all look amazing, but they’re not always completely comfortable when I do finally get a chance to wear them.

I usually save my heels for special occasions anyway, like weddings or a date night. I wear them for probably 2-3 hours and my feet start to kill. Sore feet are a pet peeve of mine. Usually I end up going barefoot, and my feet then get filthy. Not a great solution but it’s all I’ve had… until now.

Recently, I discovered Kushyfoot’s “Flats to Go!“. I’ve seen portable flats before but not sandals like these. They’re like a cute gladiator style and look cute with a dressy outfit or a casual outfit – so versatile! I put them on with sweatpants and they even looked good 😉

Kushyfoot products are known for their reflexology properties, they’re made to massage your feet with every step to relieve aching feet of stress and tension. I loved the comfy feeling that I got when I put them on, I could just picture myself slipping them on after a long night in my fabulous heels.

I should probably also mention my very favorite part about these sandals – they’re foldable! They fit perfect into the little carrying case that they come in! My plan is to keep my Kushyfoot sandals in my glovebox of my car so that I will have them whenever I need them. The last time that I went running, I wore all my workout stuff and drove to a park to run outside. When I got done, my feet were aching/sweaty and I realized I needed to run to the grocery store still. I wanted to take them off, but I didn’t have any replacements… I think you see where I’m going with this! These “Flats to Go!” would have been awesome for that, but now that I have them – I’m going to keep them with me wherever I go!

They will fit in your purse, your car, your backpack, briefcase, the list goes on and on. Don’t try to tell me you’re not already thinking of the ways you would use these! It’s only natural. Ever wore boots or heels to a pedicure just to realize you can’t exactly wear them out afterwards? Kushyfoot.

You’re welcome.

Last but not least, there are plenty of other products that Kushyfoot makes that would probably interest you as well. They also offer more great legwear options such as toe covers, knee high socks, athletic socks, tights, foot and toe cushions, and flats.

Oh, and they’re affordable. You can order these foldable sandals online for $9.99! They also have these cute lace socks (foot covers) which are adorable! I’ve seen them on Pinterest and wondered where they’d come from! Now I know!

Be sure to check out Kushyfoot’s website for some great deals on all these wonderful products!


Disclosure: I was not paid for my opinion or to write this post. I was simply provided a pair of “Flats to Go!” to review from Kushyfoot.